Accessible, wherever you are.

Our Services


Production Set Calls

We provide timely in-person medical consults for any urgent or routine health issues for your cast and crew. We are available to meet you on set or on location at any time.


Cast Medical Exams

We provide pre-production medical exams for insurance. This includes the Essentials Elements Cast Insurance exam. This can take place on set, in our office, or via house call.


House Calls

We provide house calls to your residence or hotel for any urgent or routine health care needs. This is a convenient option for patients who desire a medical visit during their days off, and for patients who are frail or have young children.


Telemedicine Consults

We provide virtual consults via telephone as another option for serving our patients. This is a convenient option for patients who desire more urgent medical attention, such as refilling prescription medications or treating sudden infection.

health care checks

Executive Health Care Checks

We provide executive physical exams and preventative health care checks. This includes screening via bloodwork and imaging so you can know your health status and risk for certain diseases at any given time. We screen for cancer such as breast and colon cancers, and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Exercise training coaching a client

Fitness Coaching

We provide personalized health and fitness coaching tailored to your individual health care needs. With our team of allied health care professionals, learn to use movement as medicine to rehab from injury, alleviate pain, and manage your weight. This concierge service is available in-person and virtually.


Medical Imaging

We provide timely access to medical imaging, such as x-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI. This is a convenient option for patients who need urgent evaluation to guide further medical decision-making. This service is also available for patients who desire more comprehensive screening for illnesses such as cancer and stroke.

Healthy Aging and Longevity Program

We provide expert and evidence-based guidance in the field of longevity medicine, metabolic resilience, and whole-person care. With our team of allied health care professionals, learn about the four pillars of longevity to combat the growing burden of age-related disease and to improve your healthspan.